I can't help but apologize for taking a hiatus from blogging. It's time for a come-back - this is it.
Let's talk about Moxy - this will read like a newsletter, but it's not one, it's a blog.
Design Status: We have a working version of what we call Moxy3 - the latest prototype, and it's Ant+ compatible. That means that our data (SmO2) WILL be displayed on a the users current wristwatch gps device. That is HUGE to the development of the product. On top of that, I just got notified that the developers of the Ant+ protocol have started what they call a TWG, Technical Working Group, to help develop a protocol specific to SmO2 for the Moxy device. This is great news for this technology!
It's who you know: If you continue to view the forum on our web site www.moxymonitor.com you will see that Juerg Feldman of EUK and FaCT Canada is writing a lot of entries, doing a lot of testing, and really challenging our brains regarding how to best use the SmO2 that Moxy is giving us. He has a whole host of competent trainers from all over the world working on some basic protocols that are proving once and for all that this technology really delivers.
Funding: There is still a lot of activity on the funding side of things. We are offering ownership to potential investors, so send them our way of you know someone that would be interested.
This is the tough part - getting a new business off the ground. We believe in what we are doing, and that's what really counts. We have a great team, and there's no substitute for that.
Thanks to everyone for putting up with my break from blogging, and please, please, please send me a comment or question (or two). Let's talk about it!
Thanks for reading my blog!
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