We all know that there is a ton of data and experience behind the importance of understanding RECOVERY during workout intervals. But is there really a practical way to measure it?
The Runner's World article (June 2012) by Cindy Kuzma (page 29) talks about a variety of running drills that include RECOVERY periods - and the RECOVERY periods are all measured in TIME.
Just as an example, she refers to "Short Rest" intervals, between high intensity training intervals, you can teach the runner to "run through fatigue". She goes on to say that the rest period for this "short rest" is "30-90 Seconds". Really? That's a pretty big range. And ... it has to be. No two athletes are the same. No two RECOVERY periods are the same. So, if you really need a RECOVERY of 30 seconds, and you rest for 90 seconds, that's a 3X overshoot. And the opposite would also be true.
What Ms. Kuzma is merely doing is applying the current state-of-art technology for measuring recover periods - a watch. What she doesn't know (YET!) is that there is an emerging product technology, the MOxy Muscle Oxygen Sensor, that DIRECTLY measures RECOVERY.
The MOxy team has been working with Christian Wilhelm (Head Performance Coach, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Ironman/Triathlete) at MVP Fuel in San Diego, CA (www.mvpfuel.com). Chris has been using two (2) MOxy Muscle Oxygen Sensors on his clients for over a month, and has been able to assess MOxy's role in RECOVERY of athletes.
Chris stated recent, regarding his experience with using it on clients, "it's awesome to see recovery and depletion".
Chris also commented on something very important to the earlier discussion on using TIME for RECOVERY. He said that, "You can see the recovery, see when the clients are ready for more." And, "The differences between people range from 4 minutes down to 15 seconds."
I had one of the trainers at the local YMCA take the MOxy for a spin on the Spinner bike a few weeks ago, and here's an exerpt (below) from his MOxy Muscle Oxygen data. Note that he's pushing himself hard, and the MOxy Muscle Oxygen numbers to down into the 30% range. Then as the instructor gives him and the class a break, he hits a recovery of around 80%. These MOxy readings were taken on the Vastus Lateralis, the largest muscle in the Quadriceps muscle group.

The team at Fortiori Design (www.fortiorides.com) is driving hard to get the product to market, and get this tool into the hands of athletes that would benefit from seeing directly and instantaneously what is happening in their muscles during workouts. Maximizing the efficiency of their workout, and maximizing the progress towards their performance goals, will always be our priority.
Thanks again for reading my Blog!
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