"The team at Fortiori Design (www.fortiorides.com) is driving hard to get the product to market, and get this tool into the hands of athletes that would benefit from seeing directly and instantaneously what is happening in their muscles during workouts. Maximizing the efficiency of their workout, and maximizing the progress towards their performance goals, will always be our priority."
Well, this week we have seen another major step forward in the potential of this product. As you know from my last blog entry, last week we talked to trainer and tri-athlete Christian Wilhelm of MVP Fuel in San Diego(http://www.mvpfuelsport.com/). This week we have feedback from another trainer and top athlete, Anna Larsson. If you are interested in who Anna is, just google "Anna Larsson Fitness" and she will show up in articles and pictures. Anna is a colleague of Christian at MVP Fuel. She's also got quite an impressive resume'. Here's what it says on her profile: "her sports are IFBB Professional Figure Athlete, MMA Fighter and Swedish Gladiator". (I'll show you a sample picture later.)
Anna's comments after using the MOxy Muscle Oxygen Sensor last week were:
- "Incredible piece of equipment."
- She emphasized the importance of being able to "see recovery".
- MOxy is "even better than heart rate". "Its the next step past heart rate...more detailed."
- "With MOxy you know when to pull back on your intensity, and when to push forward."
- Anna used the term "real-time" nearly a dozen times during the meeting.
What struck our team as we reviewed our notes from the meeting with Anna was that there are a lot of products out there that really don't have nearly the meaningful impact as MOxy. The thing the folks at MVP Fuel are getting at with many of their comments is that it's "Real" or "Accurate" because it really measures the oxygen content in their muscle during their workout.
That's it for this entry in Stu's Blog. Thanks for reading my blog! (And feel free to comment!)
Oops - almost forgot the picture of Anna. Enjoy!

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